Su Kwok Tung @ Malaysia,Kuching GMT+8:00

Harry Hii @ Malaysia, Kuching GMT+8:00

Chai Li Chin @ Malaysia, Semenyih GMT+8:00

Leslie Ting @ Malaysia, Subang Jaya GMT+8:00

Michelle Chai @ Malaysia, K.L GMT+8:00

Liancy Lee @ Malaysia,K.L GMT+8:00

Ling Chee Ding @ U.K, London GMT+1:00

Albert Lau @ China,Beijing GMT+8:00

Bong Yee Hong @ China, Shanghai GMT+8:00

Irene Bong @ Taiwan, Taipei GMT+8:00

Katrina Ling Sze Xing @ Taiwan, Taipei GMT+8:00

Sylvia Lai Chin See @ Japan,Saitama-Ken GMT+9:00

Lim Kien Sen @ Australia,Adelaide GMT+9:30

Yee U Sun @ Australia, Melbourne GMT+11:00

Emily Yii @ Australia, Melbourne GMT+11:00

Natalia Ling @ New Zealand, Christchurch GMT+12:00

Kelvin Jong @ New Zealand, Christchurch GMT+12:00

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To everybody i love!

TO all beloved friends out there!
I LOVE this SONG!! Makes me feel better everytime!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exam Tips.

I'm still having my final exams now. Been struggling for it, after such a long time of not memorizing so many things at once, I feel like my brain is very lazy already...

So back to what I was saying, I was studying so damn hard yesterday night for today's exam, and I stayed up until 4 something. Then I went to bed, while my head are still trying to memorize all the things...

After a short nap, I woke up... panic about my exam and getting more and more nervous. I continue studying the notes that I printed out, but I'm not sure whether I've got the right answer or not, feeling very insecure about it, so I made a phone call.

Kelvin: 喂,Harry!问你,那题的答案是不是... ...?

Harry: 哈?你学那题做么?你不知道有tips meh?

Kelvin: 什么tips?(super nervous)

Harry: 哦,那天财神有给我们一张讲义,然后有勾题但是一航没有跟我们讲,好才从其它班拿到! *start saying Tips1, Tips2, Tips3....

I literally woke up from the dream and was finding a pen and paper to write down the tips, just then, I realize, it was a dream.

I never believe dream is a sign of the future, or a prediction of future, but somehow when Harry told me about the tips, I really hope that it was. But believe most of the people now knows that dreams are actually the images, the thoughts that are deep down hidden inside our subconscious.

After I woke up, I was laughing about how stupid I was, I suddenly realize that what I was laughing at, was not my stupidity, but it was because I was so happy to experience back the life that I once had. People in the class, sharing tips, fighting damn effing hard for the exams, and many other things that happened during the exam period.

It was so different back then, no matter how hard the subject was, how tired everyone was, with people fighting for the same thing together, the feeling is just awesome.

In uni (western style), everyone gets to choose which subject to study on their own, you can hardly find someone that are studying 4 same courses with you. That's why everything is just so different.Not saying my life here in New Zealand sucks, it fact, it's as awesome, but it's just the fact that it is so different from the past.

Recall all the things happened in the past, looking back at the photos of us (cute and innocent lil boys & girls), sometimes, I can't believe that we were once studying in the same class, but now, we are spread all around the world, building the path to our future...

Appreciate what I had and appreciate what I'm having.

I really want to have that dream AGAIN!!!

P/s: is it some indication that Byh is like that? I mean... *teeheehee...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1. 如果没有粥, 那么我就买铁板
2. 除非没有粥, 我才会买铁板
3. 要么没有粥, 要么我不会买铁板
4. 因为没有粥, 所以我买铁板

1. 如果没有粥, 那么我就买铁板
如果我今天突然有一百万, 我就请你吃饭. (哇~ 很 kiam siap.. 才请吃饭)
这句话的意思是 我今天突然有一百万, 我请你吃饭, 否则, 我今天可能请吃, 可能不请吃.

很显然.. 没有粥时, 我买铁板. 有粥时, 我可能买, 可能不买.
用逻辑符号表达: A->B ( ->蕴含 )
如果A那么B 的意思是 有A就一定有B. 没有A, 可能有B, 可能没有B.

2. 除非没有粥, 我才会买铁板
除非下雨, 我才带伞.
除非作弊, 老师才会打零分.
除非努力, 才能成功.


下雨我不一定带伞, 但是如果某一天你看到我带伞, 那肯定是因为下雨.
作弊不一定会被抓到并拿零分, 但是你拿零分肯定表示你作弊.
努力不一定成功, 但要成功只能靠努力.
(先不要想这句话对不对, 我们讨论的是上下两组句子意思有没有一样)

除非没有粥, 我才会买铁板 我认为这句话的意思是 没有粥我不一定买铁板, 但是如果我买铁板的话, 那肯定是表示没有粥了.
用逻辑符号表达: B->A
除非A才B 的意思是 有A不一定有B, 但有B肯定表示有A.

3. 要么没有粥, 要么我不会买铁板
要么喝果汁, 要么喝汽水.
要么你还钱, 要么你儿子看不到明天的太阳.

这里, 很显然你可以, 而且只能选一个.
喝可乐就不能喝果汁. 喝果汁就不能喝可乐. 不能喝两个, 也不能都不喝.
同理, 不能还钱就让你儿子看不到明天的太阳, 还钱就不能让你儿子看不到明天的太阳.(哈哈)

所以这是双向蕴含. 其中你只能选一个. 要么没有粥, 要么我不会买铁板 意思是 没有粥我不买铁板, 会有一个, 而且只有一个会发生. 也就是 没有粥就不能不买铁板, 不是没有粥不买铁板.
达: A<->~B~A<->B ( ~ 念 非 )
有A就没有B, 有B就没有A

4. 因为没有粥, 所以我买铁板
这个.. 还是一样.. 看看别的例子:
因为下雨, 所以我带伞.
因为他偷东西, 所以他被捉.

看看第一个例子. 显然是 下雨, 我带伞. 没下雨, 我不一定带伞. 所以是 A->B.
但是看看第二个例子, 偷东西, 他一定被捉.. 等等.. 一定? 他也可以没被到! 但是如果他被捉到, 就一定是因为他偷了东西. 所以是 B->A. 再等等.. 被捉到一定是偷东西? 不可以是强奸, 杀人? 有点乱了.. 再看回第一个例子..
突然发现这句也可以解释成 下雨, 我不一定带伞.. 但是我带伞只能是因为下雨. hmm~ 好乱~

其实 因为所以 表示着前因后果关系, 针对的是已发生的事情. 下雨时, 我可以带伞, 可以不带伞. 带伞时, 可以是晴天, 可以是雨天. 但是如果说 因为下雨, 所以带伞 那指的是基于这次已发生的情况. 这次下雨造成我带雨伞. 对于其他的天气, 是否带伞并没有任何逻辑关系.
同理的, 偷东西可能被捉, 可能不会被捉. 被捉的话亦不一定表示他偷东西. 但是如果说 因为他偷东西, 所以他被捉 那表示对于这次已发生的情况来说, 偷东西造成他被捉. 这句没有对其他的 偷东西 或其他的 被捉 的情况下结论. 因为所以 只是描述因果关系, 没有任何逻辑关系.

所以这句话 因为没有粥, 所以我买铁板 既不是说 没有粥, 我就会买铁板, 也不是说 买铁板, 就表示没有粥, 他只是描述了这次已发生情况的前因后果.

总结, 我认为这四句是不相同的. 你们认为呢?
(如果你再写这种东西弄乱我们, 那么我就脱鞋丢你! 意思是 我不, 你也可能脱鞋丢我